Tuesday, 15 December 2009

How does your media product product represent particular social groups?

Our website isn't really aimed at a particular class, this is because we do not wish to aim at a particular group and excluded the possibility of others being interested in it, this may lose us supporters when they could want to help.
We have targeted our site to mainly appeal to young children, this is because they are the ones that are going to be most interested in attending the park. We realised that young children would not be able to make there own way to the park, so they will tell there parents to take them, and then they will tell there friends and the website will be viewed on a more broader scale. We done this by trying to keep the language simple as young children may not be able to understand longer terminology. Also we tried to incorporate pictures that are of a softer imagery so that it attracts the younger viewer and appeals to them. So on the whole we tried to make the website as easy to maneuver around and as easy to read as possible, this is because we wanted a wide range of people to view the site and we didn't want to disinterest anyone or have anyone disinterested because of the language used was too hard to read/understand, because of their age etc.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

How did it attract/address your audience?

Before creating the website for this organisation, we looked into many different animal websites to gain a idea of what sort of layout, colours, pictures etc should be used. We noticed that most sites used simple text so that longer worded sentences do not confuse them if they aren't familiar with them, but in simplifying these words this doesn't mean we have missed any information we have just changed it to a simpler form. The paragraphs form is also very short and to the point that are broken up by pictures to keep the reader interested, and stop them getting bored while reading them. Also while looking at these other websites we noticed that the colours they had used were very earthy e.g greens browns, this has been incorporated into our website as we feel that this convention is a widely accepted one throughout different zoo websites.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We aimed our website at younger children, this was because younger children are interested in animals and are interested in going to zoo's. Our site reflects this as we tried to incorporate lots of different pictures of different animals so that they can get a good insight to a variety of different animals and broadens there knowledge of rarer animals, making them want to come to the zoo and see them. We have also used a simple layout so that they find it easier to use the site and so that they don't get annoyed at not being able to use any technical links on the site and become disinterested in coming to the zoo. For one of our pages we made it into a competition page, this is because it brings young children and the zoo to more like a team and they feel part of the community, this could benefit us as they will be more interested in future competitions and promotions.
To find our target audience we used a survey. we found that people between the ages of 21-30 years of age and have a yearly salary of 11,000-20,000 pounds a year, were more likely to be interestedand actually participate in donating to our charity.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The website we have created is a charitable website for a zoo, " Cambridge animal reserve". It is a zoo that enables people throughout the UK to visit the park to see animals from all over the world, also trying to conserve endangered species. The zoo is run by the donations and entry fee's.

The site we have produced follows the conventions of other animal websites as, usual zoo websites use background colour that match a habitat of the type of animal it is, that is why we have used green as the primary colour as green is a colour that is typically associated with the outdoors and animals live in the outdoors so it goes hand in hand. We have changed the background colours as the type of animal changes, so for the aquatic animals we have used blue's as blue is the typical colour associated with water so it follows the conventions of other zoo's websites.

On our website we have used borders that have been created to look as if they have been drawn on over lapping each other at the corners, this gives the site a more rugged look which connotes the outdoor look. The pictures we have used do follow the conventions of a typical zoo website, as on "Chester zoo's" website they have pictures of many different layers of grass in the background on the homepage, and then they have the picture of the animal they are describing on the page. These pictures on the homepage are cartooned, this may show the demographics they are trying to make there website appeal to. Whereas our website has pictures of animals on the main page in black and white, this is because the pictures we have taken have lots of different colours in the background so with them all together the colours will clash and the whole thing just wouldn't work, making it not appeal to the user, so we used a neutral colour and blended them all together. For the pictures on our pages for the animals they have a mixture of long shots and close ups, this is to show the full size of the animals to the user which in turn could interest them more if they know the actual size, compared to London zoo where they have just done close ups, this just gives them a bigger picture of an animal. The text that London zoo has used on its animal pages aren't the best as they have almost bullet pointed the information on the animal, this shows the actual demographics of this website as they wish to aim it at younger children as they are intrigued by the colours of the backgrounds and the animals, they can also read the information provided easily. We have tried to follow in the easy reading but we haven't simplified it that much so there are still sentence like structures to the paragraphs but the information is still easy enough for the younger children browsing the website.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Finished Survey

Website survey

  1. What is your age? Please circle a group

15-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+

  1. How many hours a day do you spend on the Internet? ……………

  1. What websites do you use often? Please circle you choice.

Facebook Google bbc.co.uk Bing.com rspca.gov.uk

4. Do you follow the news?


  1. What types of news stories interest you? Please circle

Criminal activity Sport Animal conservation Weather

  1. What type of charities would you rather donate to? Please circle

Children in need RSPCA cancer research WWF

  1. If so why do you choose these charities?


  1. How often do you donate to charities?

  1. Would you donate to a zoo’s in order to keep it going?


  1. How much do you earn in a year? Please circle one of the following.

0-10k 11-29k 30-49k 50-79k 80k+

11. Do you own any pets?


12. Do you find zoo’s to be of an educational benefit?


Preview Of Two Pages

Tuesday, 1 December 2009